Ads on proxified pages Written on November 15, 2008, by .

Too many people has asked me on several forums about this. Actually, setting up an ads in your proxified pages is very easy. All you need is to search for a few keywords/codes and put your ads in between them.

So, here we goes. I will write the method of how you can place your own ads in your proxy proxified page.

Open up “index.php” and do a search for “url_form”. Then, you will find something like this,

$_url_form      = ‘<div style=”width:100%;margin:0;text-align:center;border-bottom:1px solid #000;color:#fff;background:#654d8d;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans,arial,sans-serif;padding:4px;”>’
. ‘<form method=”post” action=”‘ . $_script_url . ‘”>’
. ‘ <label for=”____’ . $_config[‘url_var_name’] . ‘”><a href=”‘ . $_url . ‘”>Address</a>:</label> <input id=”____’ . $_config[‘url_var_name’] . ‘” type=”text” size=”80″ name=”‘ . $_config[‘url_var_name’] . ‘” value=”‘ . $_url . ‘” />’
. ‘ <input type=”submit” name=”go” value=”Go” />’
. ‘ [go: <a href=”‘ . $_script_url . ‘?’ . $_config[‘url_var_name’] . ‘=’ . encode_url($_url_parts[‘prev_dir’]) .’ “>up one dir</a>, <a href=”‘ . $_script_base . ‘”>main page</a>]’
. ‘<br /><hr />’;

Put your ads in between <hr /> and ‘. So, your ads should be like this.

$_url_form      = ‘<div style=”width:100%;margin:0;text-align:center;border-bottom:1px solid #000;color:#fff;background:#654d8d;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans,arial,sans-serif;padding:4px;”>’
. ‘<form method=”post” action=”‘ . $_script_url . ‘”>’
. ‘ <label for=”____’ . $_config[‘url_var_name’] . ‘”><a href=”‘ . $_url . ‘”>Address</a>:</label> <input id=”____’ . $_config[‘url_var_name’] . ‘” type=”text” size=”80″ name=”‘ . $_config[‘url_var_name’] . ‘” value=”‘ . $_url . ‘” />’
. ‘ <input type=”submit” name=”go” value=”Go” />’
. ‘ [go: <a href=”‘ . $_script_url . ‘?’ . $_config[‘url_var_name’] . ‘=’ . encode_url($_url_parts[‘prev_dir’]) .’ “>up one dir</a>, <a href=”‘ . $_script_base . ‘”>main page</a>]’
. ‘<br /><hr />YOUR AD HERE‘;

To add your ad code in the footer, find this line of codes;

$pattern = “#</body>#i”;
preg_match($pattern,$_response_body, $matches);
$_response_body = preg_replace($pattern, ‘
</body>’, $_response_body); //the replace function

Then replace it with these;

$pattern = “#</body>#i”;
preg_match($pattern,$_response_body, $matches);
$_response_body = preg_replace($pattern, ‘
<!– END AD CODE –>
</body>’, $_response_body); //the replace function


When you download the installation files, you will find “setup.php” in one of its folder. Upload that file and secure it with a password. In that file, you will see several options that you can set. Click on “Installation Options” scroll a bit until you see “Footer Include” section. Paste your ad code there. Don’t forget to wrap the code in center tag (<center></center>).

#CGI Proxy

This is the easiest thing to do. Open up your “nph-proxy.cgi” file with notepad, I use NotePad++ btw. Look for


Your ad code should be placed in between </form> and EOF. There is 2 instances of this codes, so you need to insert your ad code in both instances.


I have not once tried Zelune script just yet. But according to my friends who used this script, to place ads in proxified page, you need to look for checkbox options. Scroll a bit down past checkbox options until you see form ends tag (</form>). Place your ad code there. Make sure to put backslash () before any quotation marks (“). For an example:

<a href=”” />YOUR ADS HERE</a>

should be

<a href=”” />YOUR ADS HERE</a>

So, here you goes. Let’s make monies out of proxies! For the webmaster who are looking a place to promote proxies, I invite you to submit your to our proxy listing directory that can be found <a href=”” />HERE</a>.

Good luck!

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4 Comments so far
  1. Gnoc November 17, 2008 11:37 pm

    Thanks for sharing !
    i was looking for this !


  2. admin November 18, 2008 12:49 am

    Glad to help 🙂

  3. LFILL.COM January 12, 2009 4:29 pm

    Thanx for this post 😉

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