Template submission:
We accept template submission. To submit your proxy template, kindly send an
email to “submit [at] xytheme [dot] com“.
Please provide:
#1- Name of the template(s)
#2- Description of the template(s)
#1- Link to template(s) thumbnails. Please use stable image hosting site.
#2- URL of demo (if available)
#3- Compressed template (.zip, .rar | or the link to download from your
#4- Type of script compatible. (PHProxy, Glype, Zelune, CGI, etc)
#5- Website URL (for credits)
- Please be inform that template(s) preview link must
be on a stable image hosting to ensure the image will be available at any
time. - If you are providing a download link from your server, please make sure
you allow this site hotlinking to your server (most of server defaults are
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xytheMe is a non-profit organization. We rely solely on the
revenue generated by advertising found on the site (Adsense). We are also
accepting any interest from other parties to advertise in here.
You can choose either to have a normal nofollow link or remove the nofollow attributes with an additional fee. We have these ads spot available right now:
- Site wide links: 8 USD / 30 days
- Banner Ad:
- Banner (728×90) 20 USD / 30 days
- Banner (125×125) 15 USD / 30 days
- Banner (300×250) 30 USD / 30 days
- Banner (120×600) 25 USD / 30 days